Sunday, January 27, 2008

Two Sundays ago...

I really wanted to find a church when I arrived in Milan in October 2007, so when I finally got settled in my appartment I researched all the possible churches which had services in English. I wrote down all of information on the back of my little 2007 Murphy's Law calendar (gotta recycle!) hoping to visit each one and later decide which one I like the best to make it my new church.

Weeks and weeks passed by and I only managed to go to one, Milan Bible Church which is the closest to my place. Finally, two weeks ago, my friend and fellow teacher Yvonne, said she'd like to try this other one that has service in the morning (because all of the other ones are at around 5:30pm). I was excited and so we went... Yvonne (Zimbabwe), Kunda (Botswana), Sam (Ethiopia) and I (a mix like u know) went to look for this place. We walked around and didn't see anything but a restaurant as per the address.

Not long later, I saw 2 Asian ladies and thought they'd know because there were only Italians around and it's an international church... Thus, they're going to the same church! I followed them and asked if they knew where this church was... They looked a bit strange at us, a few seconds of silence and asked some questions to confirm that we wanted to go to the same place as them with that particular pastor. Since I got no memory, I didn't remember the church's name nor the pastor's... haha But when they said it, I remembered and confirmed...

They tried to understand this situation and we finally understood... it was an ALL PHILLIPINO church preached in tagalog... We were going to turn back, but they asked us to go up with them so we did. We arrived during worship and decided to stay for it since it was in English. There were about 15 people. Yes, all phillipinos! We were kindly asked to write our names and got introduced by Pastor Andy Manano. To our surprise, he decided to preach in English so we, the four foreigners, could understand and take away something from the service.

It was a great service, very direct and strong. We all enjoyed this experience and their kindness. Almost the whole church came to shake our hands!!!! =D God's blessing!!!

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