Friday, March 27, 2009

TGIF but not really...

I wish I could be more excited about today being a Friday because it would be great to be able to rest a bit, but I'm not because I have to work tomorrow at 7AM for some extra hours they asked me to do and I could use the money too...

Right now, I'm just purely exhausted... more the mind than the body + headache which is a bad combo... It was a busy day, busy week... last week too... next week as well... what's going on!? =( I guess am I bit frustrated because simple things at work don't work when you have to rely on others to do their part... It was frustrating to have to email back-and-forth and not seeing what you requested done properly... Nothing seems to be easy, even in the private industry!!

To add to my exhaustion is the idea that we're not closing the restaurant on March 31 but April 15 now. SERIOUSLY!!!! Enough about work...

After my extra hours, I'll be baby-sitting Sophiah with Curtis. It'll be nice. Kids are just so awesome! Last weekend I baby-sat my lovely triplets while their parents were gone. I was a bit nervous since I've never baby-sat the 3 of them on my own, but they're very easy and co-operative. I felt pretty much in control, just more work during meal time... hehe What annoyed me was trying to get the stroller to open! That monster did NOT want to open!! I spent maybe 1 hour?? I even had to call the grandma!! LOL N-ways, we went "off-roading" with the dog because the sidewalks were extremelly bumpy and icy. It was a bit hard and people were staring at us...

Well, they stare because of:
1. triplets,
2. girl pushing (yes, me!) looks like she's 15 (and have 3 kids?),
3. girl having a hard time with the stroller and the dog running away

BUT, it was a great time with them!! =) It could have ended really well if the s..... cop didn't give me a ticket. He said I was speeding!! COME ON!!! Driving for 10 years and I NEVER got a driving violation and he tells me I was speeding?! $124 + 3 points!!! ARGH!!!!! I'm going to fight it!!

k, enough complaining for today... I do look forward to spending time with Curtis and Sophiah, church and then dance practice with the ladies on Sunday. No sleeping in cuz of set up breakfast, but it's nice to spend some time with the ladies. I'm thinking of baking something... maybe some carrot cake... It's been a while since I've made that...

I hope whoever reads this, if anyone, had a nice week and have an awesome weekend!!!

Much love!

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