Friday, April 10, 2009

GORGEOUS Good Friday!!

Today started like any other day, a sleepy-slow wake up at 6:30 when I was supposed to be ready to leave my place when Curtis pulled off in 5 min... I was pretty hyper by the time I had to go downstairs in my Taz PJ and pink sneakers... haha At the end, C had to wait for at least 30min for all of us (parents and myself) to get ready. The sun rays started to illuminate the sky as we drove out of Calgary heading to Banff National Park, a beautiful blue sky. We stopped at Timmy's as always to get some breaky... I finally got to redeem my free coffee and muffin and had a breakfast sand.

Today was a gorgeous day!! =D

Lake Louise - walk to the end of the lake, saw ice climbers on the falls, started to learn how to slide down the icy hill, pretty cheap lunch in LL, saw dog sleds getting ready, saw beautiful blues in ice sheets on the river
Drove down the scenic route to Johnston Canyon - went up to the Lower Falls, improved my ice/snow slide skills, stopped at a nice look out point and took some pics

- walked around town, saw lots of tourists and their ski-burnt faces which were quite funny
Calgary - yummy Vietnamese soup that was a bit spicier than before, so full still!!

It was just a great day spent with Curtis and parents! Took lots of pics too... I'm really thankful for it!! Thank God for this gorgeous day, for babe and parents!! I'm glad we're able to take mom out even though she was kinda complaining... couch potatoes... sigh... hahaha

The weekend will be good, I know it because it's EASTER!!! Jesus LIVES!!!
HAPPY EASTER!!! God bless you and your family!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Olá Leticia, tudo bem? Qual é seu email? Lembra de nós? Fomos para Cataratas pelo lado da Argentina neste mês. Marcellus e Ana